Headaches- The brain itself has no pain fibers.
A while back, one of my patients came in for treatment and stated with frustration, “My brain hurts doc!” My initial reaction: the brain itself has no nerves fibers- impossible! Clearly, the patient was referring to having a headache and I did not make any comments about how the brain has no nerve fibers. I
Just 8 strawberries a day can keep…
Strawberries are in season! Living in Lakeland and being just a drive away from Plant City, I had to visit the farm, enjoy the strawberry festival and fresh strawberry short cakes. This season is a great reminder that spring is on the way. There are a few reasons why we are allowed to love strawberries
Ice or Heat
One of the most asked questions in my office: when to choose ice or heat? Each condition is unique and must be treated according. The following are general comments on ice and heat; some of nature’s tried and true remedies. Apply cold to an acute injury, sudden pain or sharp pain. Cold may help to
Pain Relief with a sock?
Pain Relief with sock? There it was again, a single sock! I could not find its pair. It was perfect; no holes, soft, and comfy. Where do the socks go in the dryer? It’s a mystery. Do dryers really eat them? Instead of tossing the sock, I decided to turn the sock into a heat
October Specials!
Call the office today and ask about New Patient Special and Current Patient Specials!