Spinal decompression treatment offered at our New Hope Chiropractic Lakeland office is the non surgical option to treat pain from bulging discs, herniated discs and other degenerative spine conditions. It is a conservative treatment recommendations for disc conditions that may have resulted from history of playing sports, auto accidents and/or repetitive movements. Decompression table is used to used to treat conditions like headaches, neck pain, lower back pain, and numbness and tingling. It has also been used to treat specific conditions like sciatica, worn spinal joints (posterior facet syndrome), bulging discs and herniated discs. Ideal treatment plan for patient’s searching for alternative treatments to traditional back surgery.
Decompression machine is a specific type of device used in our Lakeland office to stretch and reduce pressure on a compressed/pinched nerve in the neck or lower back. This treatment is designed to work by using traction over a period of 30 minutes and by reducing the pressure on the compressed spinal nerve. The goal is to reduce pressure on the nerve and it also helps relieve pressure on the surrounding structures. This is an out patient procedure with a 3-4 weeks treatment plan. New Hope Chiropractic has been using this non invasive decompression table with Chiropractic conservative treatments to help patients find relief they need. Before or after decompression treatment, you may have other type of therapy such as electrical stimulation, hydrobed or ultrasound therapy to help reduce inflammation and muscle spasms. To find out if you are a candidate for this treatment, call our office to schedule a free consultation at our Lakeland Chiropractic office.