Auto accident can lead to long lasting chronic pain if not treated. Treating auto accident injuries early can help reduce scar tissue and may help decrease injury complications. If you were involved in an auto accident, get evaluated. Due to shock of the trauma, pain might not be felt until later on. By law, you have up to 14 days to get initial evaluation. After an accident, you need a detailed examination to realize the full extent of your injuries, proper imaging if needed, all natural chiropractic pain management, and referral to appropriate specialist if needed. New Hope Chiropractic treats auto accident patients. We work with patients injured due to trauma of the musculoskeletal system.
Whiplash is also common in auto accidents but it is not the only symptom of an auto accident. Patients can have jaw pain, headaches, neck pain, mid back pain, low back pain, pinched nerve, wrist pain, knee pain, ankle pain due to the auto accident. We use gentle therapies such as ultra sound and spinal adjustments to help correct the problem. After light treatments, patient is also guided with corrective rehabilitation exercise. Medication can be used to help dull the pain (Dr. Abraham does not prescribe medication) but she does refer to appropriate specialist if need. We work with Medical Doctors to provide the best suitable care for the patient. Treatment after the accident is vital, contact the office today to schedule for a detailed examination and appropriate treatments.